Oglethorpe Orchids

Incomparable Beauty ~ Distinctive Design




Founded in the late spring/early summer of 2012, Oglethorpe Orchids hopes to add to the beauty and mystique of Savannah by using those same qualities found in the many members of the Orchid family. Oglethorpe Orchids is located along the banks of the Vernon River with the ability to quickly work with clients located from downtown to Southside Savannah and beyond. However, to visit, an appointment is required. We are excited to serve you!

David Jarrell, PhD - Dr. Orchid!

Grower, Designer, Driver... I'm it!  I've loved nature and living things for as long as I can remember.  Whatever the critter, even the green ones, I was fascinated! I soon learned I could combine my love of beauty with my own creativity.  Starting around age 14, trips to the library showed me the basics of flower design and entries at the Delaware state fair located in my home town quickly resulted in holiday jobs with our local florist.  I kept working holidays in that little shop until it was time to go off to college where I studied plant science and was first introduced to orchids. Graduate work in botany (first with citrus, then later orchids) led to a career as an academic.  I enjoyed teaching and exposing undergrads to the techniques of lab research (orchids again!) but I missed the creativity and instant gratification of making something beautiful. Hello, Oglethorpe Orchids! 

Robert Etheridge - back up

Robb has his own demanding job but he is also a voice of encouragement and, when able, "volunteers" to help when two hands just aren't enough.  Whether it be greenhouse heater installs in winter, removal in the spring, seasonal shade cloth changes, delivery co-pilot, or even spokesmodel at events, the help is greatly appreciated!

Punnett - receptionist

While she is fascinated with the grassier airplants, she leaves the orchids alone and greets any guests with a demand to be petted.  Sorry, she doesn't do phone calls...